For further information please contact:
Chairman – Mike Connor mrhc1@icloud.com
Secretary – Jill Hall ejhall014@bitinternet.com
The Friends of St Mary’s (FOSM) is entirely independent from the Community Church Council. It is a registered charity which was inaugurated in 1994 as a non-denominational trust to build up a substantial long-term endowment fund to assist with major restoration projects, which would not otherwise be possible from the regular giving of the congregation.
An Endowment Fund, the interest from which accumulates to provide the help for large projects, has been established but needs to be maintained to continue to be able to help with the upkeep of this ancient and impressive building which includes the restoration and repair of monuments, ornaments, furnishings, organ, windows and other embellishments. Most recently FOSM has assisted with the bell, roof and organ appeals and is now engaged in a project to repair and restore tombstones and monuments in the churchyard.
FOSM is currently actively involved with the restoration of nine “at risk” tombstones in the church graveyard. OFHS has mapped and recorded all graves and monument within the church graveyard and recorded in detail, where possible, family names, dates and history. If you would like more information about your local family history contact www.ofhs.org.uk and come to the talk.
Dates and full details of our talks in 2025 are posted in the news section here.